Election of Majlis Organs:

 Majlis A’shura consists of members who are representing the different Wilayats of the Sultanate elected by direct secret ballot. The Wilayats shall be represented by two members if the number of its population exceeds 30 thousand and by one member if the population is less than 30 thousand. The membership term shall be four Georgian years. The Chairman and his two deputies are elected from the members.

Election of the Chairman

The Majlis shall, in an extraordinary sitting to be  convened at the invitation of  His Majesty the Sultan,  elect its Chairman and two Deputy Chairmen, for a similar term as the Chairman, as per Article 58 [bis 12]. The elections shall be conducted as per the procedures stipulated in these Regulations. The Chairman shall assume chairmanship functions as soon as his elections has been announced.

Ellection of the Majlis Bureau

The Bureau shall consist of the Chairman, the two deputies, and six members  to be elected by the Majlis by  a relative majority, for a half term, in the first sitting following inauguration of the session. If the seat of a member of the Bureau falls vacant for any reason, election of a substitute shall take place in the same manner within two weeks as from the date the seat falls vacant.
The Chairman shall call the Bureau for periodical or emergency  meetings. Quorum of the meetings of the Bureau shall be reached only  by attendance of the majority of the members, including the Chairman or either of his Deputies. Decisions shall be issued by the majority of the present members. If the votes are equal, the side including the Chairman shall prevail. Meetings of the Bureau shall be attended by the Secretary General, or those authorized to do so, including members of the Majlis, its staff, Government officials and others invited by the Majlis in connection with a matter presented before it. The Secretary General shall supervise editing the minutes of the meetings of the Bureau. These minutes shall be ratified by the Chairman or his deputy who presides over the meeting, as per circumstances.

Candidacy procedures for the Committees memberships 

Candidacy procedures for the Committees memberships are as follows:  

  • The Chairman shall receive during the first sitting of the first regular session applications of the members for the membership of the Committees.
  • The Bureau shall coordinate in respect of these application taking into consideration wishes of the members, if possible, and giving priority to the expertise and specialization factors with regard to the field of activities of the Committee.
  • The Bureau shall announce of the lists of candidacy of Committees  before submitting them to the Majlis.
  • The Chairman shall present the lists to the Majlis. The lists shall be considered as effective once being endorsed by the Majlis.
  • The Majlis can, as per a proposal of the  Bureau, decide at the beginning of the regular session amendments it deems to the formation of the Committees.
Election of the Head of the Committee and his Deputy shall be held as follows:
  • The eldest member of the Committee shall preside over its first meeting, unless he is running for  candidacy.
  • Nominations shall be submitted in writing during the period fixed by the Bureau. The Chairman shall  announce these nominations. 
  • Each Committee shall elect within ten days as from the beginning of the regular session a Head and a Deputy, from among its members, for a half term, by absolute majority of its members.
  • If the majority is not maintained in the first round, election shall take place between the two candidates who have scored the highest votes, if another  candidate shares the same number of votes with the second, he shall join them in the second round.
  •  Election in this round shall be by relative majority. If more than one candidate acquire this relative majority, selection shall take place among them by  a lot.
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