Emerging technologies- Internet of things (IoT) in Majlis Shura
Technology is essential for modernizing the public sector, delivering modern services to all citizens, even in remote areas, enabling and soliciting input from citizens for improved decision and policy making.
We have entered a new technological era in service delivery with increasing adoption of Emerging Technologies and it has also arrived in government. Oman Government has also embarked the emerging technologies journey  to provide government services more efficiently, effectively and have proven results showing how they have created greater public value and transformed people’s lives. Collaboration, agility, innovation and engagement have emerged as driving factors for agency performance and progress will be determined by combining these factors with adoption and integration of new emerging technologies and services. Emerging technologies will change everything – how we work, how we live, how we communicate. This so called 4th industrial revolution can help accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We as Oman also are following the same path and have taken various initiatives to gain and spread awareness on emerging technology trends and adoption where such technologies are now helping citizens’ access government services and information in ways that are more pro-active, agile, innovative through adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, and Data Analytics…etc. This in-turn, will help us to be well equipped to harness and leverage the power  technological innovations to ensure achieving our overall economic vision.
Therefore, we the Royal Estates of Majlis Oman have attempted and applied some emerging technologies that are highly facilitated by advance services and features. Following are some of the emerging technology adopted in the Royal Estates of Majlis Oman:
  • The Building is highly secured from the main entrance until you get inside; sensors facilitate the entrance for cars encrypted code reader. The Majlis is able to identify the comers from different place including the employees, members, other visitors.
  • Overall all Majlis point of entry are equipped by security sensors and check-up devise.
  • The main sitting hall are equipped by attendance reader by the Member identity card reader, which identify each members attendance , the full report by the Chairman appears accordingly and updated directly y and new attendance.
  • The Main hall and Meetings room are equipped by voting tool within the member desk and reading accordingly the member voting on specific issue, the Chairman is able to identify all votes via the system and can present the final votes result
  • The possibility of remote control for all screens available on the main corridors of the facilities of the Majlis Oman
  • Enable the dissemination of private and public statistics from the National Statistics Center to the local specific screens for purpose of view and use within majlis
  • All Cameras in the parliamentary hall are working with auto detected for speakers.
  • During the sessions conducting in specific majlis, the broadcast will transfer to TV channels and other screens on the other majlis
  • IP Speaker /Informacast distributed throughout majlis , used in emergency situations by connecting with broadcast announcement, record announcement and life announcement. If there is any emergency case, the announcement will broadcast to IP telephony system, TV system, Ip Speaker.
  • All the gates which have access control, opening automatically in case of fire
We are aiming to increase our usage of emerging technologies and add new emerging technologies to our already existing once where we plan to implement:
  • In the parliamentary halls and during the sessions, the registration of the member's attendance will be integrating with other systems which are related to other parliament actions in the hall in conduct of the meeting
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